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漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访 Exclusive Interview with Michael Atiyeh

发表时间:2017/09/24 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer & Evan  浏览次数:8968  
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Tomb Raider China Presents - Exclusive Interviews Around the World

[迈克尔·阿提耶(Michael Atiyeh 着色师-美国)] [菲利普·赛维(Phillip Sevy 漫画家-美国)] [厄尔·贝隆(Earl Baylon 约拿演员-美国)]
[Tomb Raider Arabic(Ahmad & Ana & Inna 著名粉丝网站-阿拉伯联合酋长国)] [詹·克劳馥(Jenn Croft COSPLAY形象大使-美国)]
[罗德里戈·马丁(Rodrigo Martín 收藏家-西班牙)] [梅隆妮·麦克(Melonie Mac 著名女主播-美国)] [诺兰·亚当(Noelle Adams 同人小说家-南非)]

Michael Atiyeh - 迈克尔·阿提耶

  On March 5, 2013 Tomb Raider was released as a reboot of the series. Meanwhile a new comic book series began after a 8-year gap. First a small story Tomb Raider: The Beginning was sent to players who bought the game. Then on February 26, 2014 the comic book series was officially started. And we had Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen in 2015, Tomb Raider(2016) in 2016 and soon in November this year, Tomb Raider: Survivor's Crusade.
  2013年3月5日古墓丽影游戏变革与重启之作《古墓丽影9》正式发售,与此同时,官方也开始重启终结了8年的古墓丽影漫画,首先推出的就是与《古墓丽影9》捆绑作为赠品的《古墓丽影:开端(The Beginning)》漫画小册,直到2014年2月26日,官方开始正式独立发售《古墓丽影(2014)》全新漫画系列,2015年10月7日继续推出《劳拉与冰封预言》、2016年2月17日发售《古墓丽影(2016)》,而2017年11月22日还将发售《古墓丽影:生还者的圣战》,古墓丽影漫画系列迎来了又一次爆发式的发展。

  Though there was a constant change of pencilers, Michael Atiyeh has always been coloring the comic book series as a core member of the creating group. The colors in his works are various and subtle. When cooperating with different artists, his excellent skills enables him to adjust his own style to enhance other artists' work while maintaining the tone of colors throughout the whole series.
  与官方在此次重启发行中频繁更换铅笔稿画家不同,漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶(Michael Atiyeh)从重启开始就负责着色(Colors)工作,是唯一一位一直参与重启版漫画创作的核心成员。他的着色纹理精细、色彩丰富多变,在与不同漫画家合作时,既能把控整个漫画系列的色调统一,也能根据漫画家特点呈现出不同风格的彩色世界。

  According to some online media resources, Michael Atiyeh fell in love with comic books when he was six, after seeing an issue of Spiderman while sitting in a barbershop in Syracuse, N.Y.. After years of practice, Michael began his professional career at Twilight Graphics in Syracuse, working as a colorist and studio manager. After a few years honing his skills, he began working as a freelance artist for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, and Wizard Entertainment. In 1999, a new company named Cross Generation Comics recruited him. At CrossGen, he had the unique opportunity of working alongside some of the industry’s most talented artists. After 4 years at CrossGen, Michael was promoted to assistant art director. In December 2003, he left CrossGen to pursue work as a freelance artist once again. Since then Michael has been working on a variety of projects for Dark Horse Comics (Star Wars, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Tomb Raider), DC Comics (All Star Western, Bat-Mite, and Lobo). In 2012, he was part of the team that launched Shinku, a creator-owned title published by Image Comics that has received critical acclaim. Michael’s work appeared in a series of Little Golden Books—featuring Marvel Superheroes.
  据网络媒体报道,迈克尔·阿提耶的漫画生涯起源于他六岁时在理发店里看的一本蜘蛛侠漫画。 在多年的努力后,他进入了纽约雪城的暮光制图公司,开启了着色师生涯。数年后,他的上色技巧日趋成熟,开始作为自由漫画家为不同漫画公司创作漫画,包括漫威、DC、Image漫画公司和巫师娱乐公司。1999年迈克尔进入新成立的跨代漫画公司,与许多当时最杰出的漫画师合作,4年后,他被提升为副美术指导。2003年11月,他离开跨代公司开始重新成为一名自由漫画家,并为黑马漫画(星球大战,质量效应,龙腾世纪和古墓丽影)和DC漫画(西部全明星,蝙蝠小子和罗伯)进行创作。2012年时他参与制作了Image漫画公司深受好评的蔷薇少女系列,同时他许多漫威英雄的作品也出现在了小金书系列中。

迈克尔推特 (Twitter):https://twitter.com/atiyehcolors

【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访 【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访
迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《质量效应(Mass Effect)》

  TRCN:Could you introduce yourself to fans in China?
  Hello China! My name is Michael Atiyeh and I am a comic book colorist. I have been coloring comics for over 20 years. 

  TRCN:Usually comics fans are more familiar with pencillers, could you tell us something about colorists? What does it take to become a colorist?
  To be a successful colorist, it is important to have a very strong understanding of color theory. In terms of comic books it is also important to understand the principles of drawing as well. These skills enable a colorist to follow the ground work the penciler and inker have laid out on the page, including the lighting direction that has been provided. 

迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《龙腾世纪(Dragon age)》

  TRCN:How did you become a colorist? When did you publish your first work and what was its name? How many works so far have you published? Which one is your favorite?
  I started learning how to color on my first job working on Valiant Comics for Twilight Graphics. Bart Sears* was my mentor and he taught me all about coloring comic books. We were one of the first companies to start coloring comics on the computer. At this point, I can’t even guess how many books or projects I have worked on but getting the opportunity to work on Star Wars has probably been my favorite.

【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访 【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访
迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《星球大战(Star Wars)》

  TRCN:How would you describe your arts styles? What distinguish you from other colorists? When co-working with different pencillers, how do you adjust your own style to corresponde to others?
  I think one of my biggest strengths is that I don’t have a single style. I really try to tailor my colors for each individual project and artist. I try to develop a style that will enhance, but not over power the line art. I also try to get as much input and feedback from the penciler to make sure we can deliver the best art possible. 

迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《绿灯侠(Green Lantern)》

  TRCN:How in the first place did you take over the Tomb Raider comics project? Here is an interesting fact that since the commence of the new Tomb Raider comics in 2014, many writers and pencillers have joined in and then left, but you have always been part of the project, why is that? Do you hold any other position in the project?
  I have been working with Dark Horse Comics for a very long time and once they got the license to make Tomb Raider Comics they asked me to color the book. I was so excited to have the chance to work on such a legendary character. Working on comic books that are based on video games can be very challenging at times due to the fact that there is so much reference material to pull from. I take pride in trying to make the comic books look as close to the game as possible. I think Dark Horse recognizes that and continues to ask me to color the book.  I don't hold any other position on the title, hopefully it is just my hard work and dedication that has kept me on the project for so long.

【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访 【古墓丽影中国】漫画着色师迈克尔·阿提耶独家专访

  TRCN:Before you work on the Tomb Raider comics, did you know anything about the games? Have you ever played any of the Tomb Raider games? If so, how did you like it (them)?
  YES! I have played all the games. I love the original because it reminds me of my younger years and how much I loved playing games with my friends. The new versions of the game are so much more realistic. I love the direction that they have taken the property. 

  TRCN:Could you give us some details about the creating process of the Tomb Raider comics? How long on average does it take to produce one issue? Besides coloring, have you taken any part in other process of the making?
  For the coloring, I usually do two pages of art a day. I try to maintain a schedule that allows me to deliver the best product I can so I try to take two weeks to finish an entire issue. 
  Besides communicating with the rest of the creative team to make sure they are happy with what I am doing, I don’t have any other responsibilities on the project.

迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)》

  TRCN:What was the most difficult part of creating the Tomb Raider comics? Is there any guidelines you must follow? According to our information, there have been 7 different pencillers working on the new Tomb Raider comics since its release in 2014, is there anything different when working with each of them? If so, could you tell us the differences?
  I think you pointed out one of the biggest challenges for me. Working with a different artist from story to story can be difficult. For example, Phillip Sevy’s art is very different from that of Ashley A. Woods, so coming up with the correct rendering style is usually my biggest challenge. On the other hand, while this can be a challenge it is also something that I enjoy as well. The job would be boring if there weren't any challenges and it pushes me to get better each issue and try new things.


  TRCN:When you first started working on Tomb Raider: The Beginning, the game was yet to release. So how did you design the colors?
  For that first story I was given a great deal of reference and screenshots from the game. It was amazing to see all the wonderful art that went into making the first game. If you buy the Tomb Raider art books you can see some of the art I was provided and I used that as reference for a starting point.

  TRCN:Many details on textures and shadows only appear in the final drafts, do colorists add those details freely or do they cooperate with pencillers and add them accordingly?
  I add in all the textures and shadows. Again, this is an area where I really try to match accordingly with the artist. My job is to try to enhance, but not muddy up the art. It is a fine balance that can ruin the final artwork if not done properly.

迈克尔·阿提耶上色作品《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)》

  TRCN:Was there anything interesting during the making of Tomb Raider comics?
  The most interesting thing that I learned is how much the fans care about Lara and her friends. I had one fan write to me on social media because she was so worried we were going to kill off Sam! It is really wonderful to see how invested in the games and comics people and fans have become. This is something that is very rewarding for the artists.

  TRCN:Could you share something about the upcoming Tomb Raider: Survivor’s Crusade with us?
  I can tell you that the first issue is action packed and classic Lara. Fans are going tolove it!

《生还者的圣战(Tomb Raider: Survivor's Crusade)》人设上色效果图

  TRCN:Could you share with us some skills in coloring? (Like how to find the best combination, how to express emotion through colors etc.) Do you have any color preference? What advice would you give to those who want to be comics artists? What advice would you give to those who want to be comics artists?
  As with any art, the best way to learn is from real life. I get inspiration from color combinations I see in the everyday world. I also find inspiration through movies. Looking at the different scenes and noticing the way color is used to show emotion or action. I am also constantly inspired by other artists. I love looking at art books and other comics. 

  TRCN:Have you ever been to China? If so, what were your thoughts about China? What would you like to say to your Chinese fans?
  I have never been to China, but I would love to come to visit. The Chinese culture has been around for so long with such a vast history, it is something I admire and would love to learn more about in person. As for my Chinese fans, I would like to thank you for your support of me and comics in general. Technology has made this world smaller and it makes me happy that I am able to connect with all of you. I wish you all heath and good fortune.

  Thank you Zou, I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with the Chinese Tomb Raider fans!


  *注1:巴特·希尔斯是著名漫画家,曾参与漫画《欧洲正义联盟(Justice League Europe)》、《暗夜骑士传奇(Legends of The Dark Knight)》、《图罗克(Turok)》等制作,还为孩之宝和ToyBiz等玩具公司设计人物造型。

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